speculative poetry: reclaiming power with magic
This workshop explores the ways that writers use magic in their work to reimagine oppressive systems and subvert common narratives. Participants will read and discuss speculative texts and/or texts that utilize magical realism. They will re-write their own stories (past or future), using magical or sci-fi elements as a way to reclaim power and radical joy.
Fracturing The Narrative
This workshop invites participants to play with atemporality in their writing. How does history repeat itself? How are cycles perpetuated? How does chronology limit the ways that we tell stories? Participants will be introduced to texts that bend and fracture time in order to tell more accurate truths.
Preserving Legacy: Poetry as a Memory Keeper
When we think of how societies record history, we don’t often think of poetry. This workshop will introduce poems that function as historical documents and invite participants to name the ways in which that work challenges the conventions of record-keeping. How is using poetry to document history a radical act for marginalized people?
Hybrid Genre Writing
This workshop will encourage writers to merge different genres. They will combine poetry with biographies, recipes, essays, dictionary definitions etc. as a way to reach beyond traditional expectations of poetry writing and book-making.